
For the athletes who are reading this, I am sure you have heard this at some point in your playing career. We don’t realize that a lot of things we learn in sport, transition into life. This statement: “Control the Controllables” is the key to internal peace, let me explain why I think that. In life, you experience all kinds of things that may alter your mood or perspective. In sport, things such as the umpires, fans, the opposing team and weather can all have an effect on our mood… if we let it.

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Intermittent Fasting: Benefits & Balance

Maybe you’ve heard about it, maybe you haven’t…Let me introduce you to this very important part to my whole—(drum roll) intermittent fasting! The literal definition of intermittent fasting is various diets that cycle between a period of fasting and non-fasting during a defined period. You may think fasting is synonymous with starving— that’s definitely not the case here! While people have been fasting for hundreds of years for religious traditions, intermittent fasting is now being used as a tool to improve health and body composition.

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H.I.I.T Me Baby One More Time!

So, there’s another method to my madness, and it’s pretty much the key to my castle! It’s efficient, you’ll burn more fat, you’ll build a healthier heart, there’s no equipment necessary, you’ll loose weight—not muscle, you’ll increase your metabolism, you can do it anywhere, and of course, it’s V (very) challenging. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is the cherry on top of my Sunday through Friday! Running, jumping rope, biking, rowing, etc.

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