Nothing F*cking Matters

My heart and soul hurts. I’m angry. I don’t understand why bad things can happen to such amazing people. I lost someone who was a big part of my teen years. She was my softball and volleyball coach in high school. Her name is Kaylyn Bayly. She meant so much to me and so many others. I wouldn’t have been able to make it through high school without her. Reading everyone’s posts on social media since her passing just goes to show how many lives she has truly impacted.

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Just Keep Going

Well hello old friends. It’s been a while since I’ve wrote a blog. A lot has changed since then so I figured I’d update you all on my health journey. This is a very open and personal blog so I hope some of you can read this and realize that most of what you see on social media is fake. Everyone is going through something, they just choose not to broadcast it to the world.

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The Pursuit of Balance

Struggles are sometimes inevitable! But the importance of a struggle is what you choose to struggle for. The helping hand to struggling is balance! Finding a healthy balance between work-life and home-life has been a struggle for me lately. So I’ve been focusing on setting priorities, managing my time wisely, staying focused and developing self-care habits. Those are all benefactors that can support more balance and less overwhelm in this life.

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For the athletes who are reading this, I am sure you have heard this at some point in your playing career. We don’t realize that a lot of things we learn in sport, transition into life. This statement: “Control the Controllables” is the key to internal peace, let me explain why I think that. In life, you experience all kinds of things that may alter your mood or perspective. In sport, things such as the umpires, fans, the opposing team and weather can all have an effect on our mood… if we let it.

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