I get asked very often what I do for training and how often I train. DISCLAIMER: What I do works for me and may not work for you. But at some point, we need to shake up our routine a bit and try something new. This could be the one piece of information you need to read to get you to commit to something new. And like I mentioned in my former blog post “Just Keep Going”, how I trained 4 years ago is completely different than how I train now.

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The Weekly #DRIPDRIP

Hey hustlers! I get a lot of questions on my workouts as far as what I do, what type and how often I do them. I hope sharing my current weekly workout routine will help inspire or give you guys new ideas for your workouts! I do heavy resistance training 4 days a week, circuit training/cardio for 2 and rest for 1. I also started incorporating yoga twice a week at night and man do I feel a difference!

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H.I.I.T Me Baby One More Time!

So, there’s another method to my madness, and it’s pretty much the key to my castle! It’s efficient, you’ll burn more fat, you’ll build a healthier heart, there’s no equipment necessary, you’ll loose weight—not muscle, you’ll increase your metabolism, you can do it anywhere, and of course, it’s V (very) challenging. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is the cherry on top of my Sunday through Friday! Running, jumping rope, biking, rowing, etc.

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